We Are Open!

Is MotionCare open during Minnesota’s “shelter in place” executive order?


Minnesotans may leave their residences to seek medical services, including physical therapy, which has been deemed an Essential Critical Sector by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as listed in the CISA Guidance.

Why is physical therapy deemed essential?

Physical therapy clinics have a special responsibility during these times to continue operations.  Communication from the Private Practice Section of the American Physical Therapy Association reports, “According to Dr. Matos, an expert in biologic surety and the management of select agent programs at federal facilities:

“Physical therapists are essential in flattening the curve of the COVID-19 pandemic. They play a key role in keeping people they can help out of the doctor offices and ER’s. This will not only free up the medical teams to treat those impacted by COVID-19, but also limit the exposure of those seeking the care of the physical therapist”.”

  • CISA Guidance on Essential Critical Infrastructure  (Link)
  • Governor Walz’ executive order (Link)

What are we doing to promote safety and social distancing in the clinic?

MotionCare’s lobby has been rearranged to support appropriate social distancing.  If you prefer to stay in your car until your appointment time, call us when you arrive, and we can alert you when a room is ready.

Our private treatment rooms allow for distancing between patients

Treatment rooms are being diligently sanitized, per our usual procedures, with extra care taken to sanitize doorknobs, and other hard surfaces.

Staff is maintaining social distancing guidelines.

If you are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19 (e.g. fever, cough, shortness of breath, unexplained fatigue, etc.) please call us so that we can reschedule your appointment.

Due to our manual therapy approach to physical therapy, much of our treatment requires contact between patient and physical therapist.

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