Erin & Kris head to Europe

The 2018 Paralymics are over, which is when Erin, Kris and Jim get back to work.  Erin and Kris will be heading off to Ostrava, Czech Republic for a refresher course on new changes with the classification process.  The classification process includes having a system in place to minimize the impact of impairments on the athletes abilities and safety to participate.  Classification is sport-specific because an impairment affects the ability to perform in different sports to a different extent.  Erin has been involved with International Paralympic Classification since 2013 and Kris since 2015.

The women’s para ice hockey program is developing and we are excited to see them in competition over this weekend!  Erin and Kris (along with classifiers from around the world) will be there for coaches, staff and athletes to guide them through the classification process.

Safe travels to our MotionCare PT’s!

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